Composing/60min. Weekly Lessons - Once per week (or more if desired).
9 monthly payments of $275.00 (A $180 Savings).
Composing/60min. Weekly Lesson - Monthly Rate
Client is guaranteed 35 lessons in person or online.
In person for local residents in the greater San Antonio (Online for local residents if due to sickness or government/school mandates due pandemic)
Online Lessons are taught via Zoom/Facetime.
All lessons will be given once per week at the clients designated lesson time (tbd), client does have the options to have extended lessons, multiple lessons in a given week and can take vacations and breaks for any reason.
No make-ups are given but client is guaranteed to receive the number of lessons that they are contracted for according to the terms in their individual contracts.
A 24 hour notice is required for cancelation or client forfeits that lesson.
No refunds are given for any reason, unless Mr. Bailey cannot redeem the lessons with the nine month contracted period. Client has nine months to redeem all 35 lessons.
Clients are not charged for two weeks during Christmas and New Year's from December 15 through the first lesson time in after New Year's Day.
Client's can cancel for any reason without penalty as long as the cancelation comes at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled lesson time. Consideration is given if there's an emergency that keeps the client from being able to do that. Those will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
If client drops out prior to the end of the contracted period, tuition will not be refunded.